*SPOILERS* 'The Walking Dead' Returned, And I Cried

Now, I'm not one for writing articles on the Student Yak site, but when 'The Walking Dead' returned on Sunday (23rd) and I witnessed the most brutal death scenes I've ever seen on TV, I just had to talk about it.
That's right, after months, and months, and months, and months of waiting, we finally found out who Negan killed. Over 17 million people tuned in to see Lucille crash into the skulls of our favourite characters, and over 17 million people were in tears by the end. I mean, it was a pretty brutal episode, and if you didn't cry, you're obviously dead on the inside, much like Negan's victims.
I'm going to say who got killed off now so if you don't want to know, go back to scrolling through Instagram. If you start commenting complaining about me spoiling it for you, it's your own fault, you've read this far, and you've been warned!
So Negan killed ABRAHAM & GLENN!! I know! And GLENN!!!!! What a d*ck!
Negan is currently the most hated man in the world. When he killed Abraham, I'll be honest, it wasn't too bad because we had a few seconds to prepare for his beating. But, when he killed Glenn, ah man, it was so god damn shocking and sad. Lucille just came down out of nowhere, and smashed Glenn's skull in. His f*cking eye popped out! Yer! It actually popped out! It was so gruesome, and so emotional.
And what made it even harder to swallow was the way both characters signed off. In his dying moments, as well as telling Negan to "suck my nuts", Abraham also held up a peace sign to Sasha, which is super cute cause that was there thang. And then when Glenn dying, he managed to say four final words to Maggie: "I will find you". It was totes emosh, and these two final moments, made their deaths, a little harder to accept.
But, that's not all because the b*stards that make 'The Walking Dead', decided we weren't sad enough, so they threw in a little preview of what could have been. We saw everyone in Alexandria, sitting around a big table eating dinner. Abraham and Glenn were there, as well as Glenn and Maggie's child. Ahhhh, at this point I totally lost it. Yer, I'm not afraid to admit that. I cried, and I'm proud cause even a walker would cry at that sh*t!

I'm sorry but Glenn and Maggie deserved a happy ending, and I'm pretty p*ssed that they're not going to get one. As for Abraham and Sasha, well she wasn't up the duff so it's not as bad, still sad though.
So that's basically it, season 7, episode 1, the worst moment of everyone's lives. If you've not seen it yet then: 1. why are you reading this? and 2. it's now available On-Demand.
And to all those guys that are gonna complain to OFCOM that this episode was too gruesome, f*ck off, nobody forced you to watch it!
See you on the other side...
Credits: http://static.srcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Jeffrey-Dean-Morgan-as-Negan-in-The-Walking-Dead-Season-6-Episode-16.jpg